
One-Way Between-Cases ANOVA

The appropriate statistical test is a between-cases one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).


The "genetic template" hypothesis of imprinting posits that ducklings, goslings, chicks, etc. will imprint more strongly to something that resembles a mother duck, gander, or chicken. The alternative hypothesis is that they will imprint to anything that moves. To test this, groups of eight-hour old chicks are placed in a box in which a pulley moves either a stuffed hen, a red watering can, or a yellow cylinder. Imprinting scores are assigned based on the distance to the target and the time spent near the target.

GroupImprinting Scores
7.5   7.3   5.1   6.6   6.5   6.6
7.9   8.0   5.7   9.9   1.3   9.0
6.7   9.4   9.1   1.0   4.9   9.8
7.5   7.9   5.9   6.2   7.1   2.2
9.1   4.8   6.3   6.8   5.0   9.3
0.1   7.7   6.9   8.1   8.0   7.9


Eight-hour old chicks were not significantly (F(2,33) = 0.05, p = .96) more likely to follow targets genetically similar to hens (mean imprinting score equals 6.8) than they were to follow either a red watering can (6.5) or a yellow cylinder (6.7). Thus, there is no evidence that chicks are born with a genetic template of the target on which they should imprint. Instead, it appears they imprint to whatever object is moving.

Computer Examples


Prepare a text file with the values separated by commas as in imprint.csv.

> d <- read.csv('imprint.csv')
> d
   target imprint
1     hen     7.5
2     hen     7.3
3     hen     5.1
4     hen     6.6
5     hen     6.5
6     hen     6.6
7     hen     7.9
8     hen     8.0
9     hen     5.7
10    hen     9.9
11    hen     1.3
12    hen     9.0
13    can     6.7
14    can     9.4
15    can     9.1
16    can     1.0
17    can     4.9
18    can     9.8
19    can     7.5
20    can     7.9
21    can     5.9
22    can     6.2
23    can     7.1
24    can     2.2
25    cyl     9.1
26    cyl     4.8
27    cyl     6.3
28    cyl     6.8
29    cyl     5.0
30    cyl     9.3
31    cyl     0.1
32    cyl     7.7
33    cyl     6.9
34    cyl     8.1
35    cyl     8.0
36    cyl     7.9

> summary(d)
 target      imprint     
 can:12   Min.   :0.100  
 cyl:12   1st Qu.:5.850  
 hen:12   Median :7.000  
          Mean   :6.642  
          3rd Qu.:8.000  
          Max.   :9.900 
# get means and standard deviations for each group
# (tapply is "table apply" and applies the specified fnction, in this case
# the mean, to the variable imprint in each group defined by target
> tapply(imprint,target,"mean")
     can      cyl      hen 
6.475000 6.666667 6.783333 

> tapply(imprint,target,'sd')
     can      cyl      hen 
2.716323 2.502120 2.181673 

> oneway.test(imprint ~ target, var.equal=TRUE)

	One-way analysis of means

data:  imprint and target 
F = 0.0474, num df = 2, denom df = 33, p-value = 0.9537

> plot(imprint ~ target, col=c('red','blue','green'),
+   main='Imprinting Scores by Target')
Boxplot comparison for three imprinting targets
> stripchart(imprint ~ target,vertical=TRUE,col=c('red','blue','green'),
+ ylab='Imprinting Score',xlab='Target',main='Imprinting by Target')
Stripchart comparing imprinting scores of three target groups

Had there been differences among the groups, the following function is useful for determining which pairs of means are significantly different, adjusting for the fact the multiple comparisons are being conducted on the same dataset.


#ADVANCED: checking normality of residuals
> gl <- lm(imprint ~ target)
> qqnorm(gl$residuals)
> qqline(gl$residuals, col='blue', lwd=2)
quantile-quantile plot of the model residuals


Prepare a dataset like the following. Note that not all the cases are displayed in this image.

one way anova data in Statview

Menu: Analyze > ANOVA and t-tests > ANOVA or ANCOVA

oneway anova dialog in Statview

produces these results:

oneway results in statview

and use Graphs > Boxplot to get this visual comparison:

oneway boxplot in Statview

Note: lm() can also be used to perform the one-way anova using indicator variables for levels of the variable. Below is the summary of the lm object created above.

> summary(gl)

lm(formula = imprint ~ target)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-6.5667 -0.7021  0.3750  1.3562  3.3250 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   6.4750     0.7149   9.057 1.82e-10 ***
targetcyl     0.1917     1.0110   0.190    0.851    
targethen     0.3083     1.0110   0.305    0.762    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Residual standard error: 2.476 on 33 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.002866,	Adjusted R-squared: -0.05757 
F-statistic: 0.04742 on 2 and 33 DF,  p-value: 0.9537 

Note that the overall F(2,33) = .0474, p = .9537 is exactly the same as reported by the oneway.test() above. In addition, lm() provides R-Squared. To handle the multiple levels of the target variable, lm() constructs indicator variables. The variable targetcyl has the value 1 when the target = cyl and 0 otherwise. Similarly, targethen has the value 1 when the target = hen and 0 otherwise. The intercept is the predicted value when both targetcyl and targethen equal 0, in other words, when target = can. Indeed the estimate of the intercept of 6.475 equals the mean for the can group. The estimate for the targetcyl variable of 0.1917, which is the amount the mean for the cyl group exceeds that of the can group. Similarly, the estimate of 0.3083 for targethen is the amount by which the mean of the hen group exceeds the mean of the can group.

© 2002, Gary McClelland